Celebrate Your Love with Meticulous Wedding Decorations
訂金及款項 Deposit & Payment
1. 確定訂單後顧客須付70%訂金,剩餘金額須在活動一個月前找付
70% deposit should be paid within one week, the balance should be settle before one month of setup.
2. 如活動取消,訂金將無法退還及更改
The deposit could not be refunded or changed into other services if the event is cancelled by the customer’s personal reasons.
延期 Postponement
1. 如活動需要改期,最少須於三個月前通知本公司,第一次延期為免費,其後每次改期費用為港幣2500元
At least 3 months notice period is required to postpone the event date. $2500 for each postponement, free for the first postponement only.
(10-15% of the reservation fee would be charged if the notice period is less than 3 months.)
2. 如活動在一星期前通知延期,活動將被取消
The event would be cancelled if the customer postpones the event date one week before.
3. 如因惡劣天氣情況下需要延期,最少須於安裝前5小時前通知本公司
In case of adverse weather conditions requiring a rescheduling of the event, please notify our company at least 5 hours prior to the installation.
4. 如因惡劣天氣情況下需要延期,請在新日期前至少提前3個月通知本公司
In case of adverse weather conditions requiring a rescheduling due to unforeseen circumstances, please notify our company at least 3 months prior to the new date.
安裝及拆卸 Setup & Dismantle
1. 如在安裝及拆卸前4小時發生颱風或暴雨,活動仍需進行的話,本公司將收取50%手續費
50% surcharge would be issued if any typhoon or rainstorm occurred 4 hrs before the setup and dismantle installation time.
2. 如安裝及清場時間早於8:30或遲於23:30開始,將會額外收取$1,500附加費用
$1500 would be charged if the setup and dismantle installation time are earlier than 8:30 or later than 23:30.
3. 完成佈置後客人需安排一位負責人確認及簽收佈置,如在確認後想另作改動,則需支付額外費用
At least one person should be there to confirm the set up. Surcharge would be issued if any modify of the setting required after the confirmation.
4. 如需要職員在場地待命則需支付附加費用
Surcharge would be issue if staffs are required to stand by throughout the event.
5. 每個套餐也有指定佈置時間,若不能提供上述時間,本店則需加派人手,及加收附加費用(職員須提前告知客人)
Surcharge would be issued if the target set up time cannot be fullfilled.
6. 如果場地位置和停車距離較遠/或有斜路/樓梯/需要人手搬運 ,則需支付附加費用(職員須提前告知客人)
Surcharge would be issued if the event location is too far away from parking location/or there are incline/stairs/any manual portage or haul is required.
After the cancellation of adverse weather signals (if the event proceeds as planned), please allow a minimum of 5 hours for our staff to arrive at the venue before installation.
設計及定案 Design & Confirmation
1. 費用已包括每個項目最少兩款設計稿(枱面佈置除外), 其後每款設計稿收費為HKD1,500
Two design drafts included in the package, $1,500 would be charged for each draft extra.
2. 所有印刷品圴以CMYK輸出
CMYK colour mode will be used for final output.
3. 如需測試打印,本公司將收取額外費用
Additional charge would be applied for test printing.
4. 所有圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準
All designs and show cases are for reference only.
5. 所有設計圖是C.flower Wedding Production Ltd.擁有之財產,不得向第三方透露
Any design is the property of C.flower Wedding Production Ltd.and cannot be disclosed to third parties in any way.
授權及同意 Authority & Acceptance
1. 活動期間如有任何道具損壞或損失,顧客需承擔費用
Customer should afford the props price if any of them are damaged or lost during the event.
2. 未經許可,不得移動任何設置
It is not allowed to move any of our setting without permission.
3. 本公司保留權利隨時更改優惠條款及細則而無須另行通知;如有任何爭議本公司保留最終決定權
In the case of any dispute, the decision of C.Flower Wedding Production Ltd.shall be final.